Waking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband their first baby has died. Both of them are experiencing tremendous depression. Mayang can not accept it. Everyone at the hospital is sure that she is hallucinating. She contacts the police to look for a bright spot in this strange case. Dr. Vera who helped her give birth, provides evidence the document of her baby's death with several photographs of the incident. Mayang who chooses not to give up begins to be considered crazy by some people in the hospital, including her own husband. Moreover, she feels to be followed by a spirit.
200817 【B-】初识陈英雄,三部曲其首,有那么一刹那感觉真的好像回到了数年之前的夏日时光 )又,没有血缘的成长关注似乎也很妙 不是请几个av女就能吸引广大宅男的,他们更喜欢不打码的那种 这电影好在,你知道它在煽情,仍然能嗑得下去,因为它还是克制有分寸的(得益于演员功底深;其实徐老师还是有点儿习惯性地过于舞台味儿戏剧化)说真的,电影医怨恐怖片让我多少有点失望,不过百科影视网这个网站的播放速度也挺快的,经常看片的朋友还是值得收藏,赞一个!
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